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Easy way of copying reference and title for ideas and features

I cannot figure out a way of copying an idea or feature reference AND the description to the clipboard i.e. "xxx-I-83 - A great Idea"

I often copy the URL of an idea or a feature so I get this copied to the clipboard. https://xxxxxx/ideas/xxx-I-83 great! 

The problem is that this URL does not describe the item. What I then do is edit the URL in Word or Outlook or whatever tool I have pasted the URL and change the displayed text xxx-I-83 - A great Idea so that it sill links to the idea but also contains the idea description. 

I currently have to manually copy the description and paste it, then manually copy the reference and paste it. I do this many times each day and I'm getting fed up with it. I just want an easy way to get the text I need. 

    Sep 27, 2024

    Due to the low number of votes on this idea we are unlikely to work on this in the near future.

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    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Apr 26, 2018

      That helps, thank you. We do not currently have plans to add this at this time but we will definitely monitor customer feedback. 

      In the meantime, one thought would be to use @ mentions in comments. Since the people receiving these emails are users in Aha! anyway the mentions would trigger notifications which would include the name and reference number. They can just respond to the email to add their response. This has the added benefit of capturing the history of the conversation on the record itself. 

      When there are multiple (like your example above) you could also create a quick to-do with # links to each record. 

    • Guest
      Apr 26, 2018

      (Ad hoc emails)

    • Guest
      Apr 26, 2018

      I want to send an email to someone saying

      "Take a look at these ideas and features

      XXX-1 Some great idea

      XXX-97 Another grat idea

      YYY-127 a feature"

      I can't easily get the reference and title withouth copying them individually.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Apr 26, 2018

      Hi Ben, could you provide more details on your use case for this? How is it that you are using the reference + name link that causes you to do this many times each day? There may be a better option I can suggest such as a report, etc. Thanks!