Burn *Up* charts for Sprints, Releases, Epics, and Features
My company would find it useful to have Burn *Up* charts that show how the effort completed is tracking against the scope of a release / master feature / feature For more on the requirements for a Burn Up chart and why it is more useful than a Bur...
Mark D
over 7 years ago
in Releases / Sprints
Future consideration
I need a way to compare versions of Features/Requirements in a Release
Before pushing a release to Jira, we do reviews of Features/Requirements with engineering. This may happen several times and we end up with multiple versions of the Release details. This makes it hard to compare the difference between the old and ...
Aldon C
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Set the release start date and have the release phases adjust to that date.
Currently when we set the Release Start date it does not adjust the dates for the Release phases in the Release template used. It will be helpful, if we set the Release start date then the Releases phases dates are adjusted based on the Start date.
Uma Prabhala
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I love having To-dos on release phases as a sort of checklist (and, well, task list). But, usually only say one of the 5 or more to-dos can actually be done at any given time. I'd like to be able to set a start date for to-dos so that they don't a...
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Playing with gantt chart can cause a lot of problems, especially when moving releases/stages/features using mouse - it will be great to have a chance to block dates. In my opinion it should not be possible to change "scheduled" and "shipped" relea...
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
The Release Portfolio is a good start on providing the ability to visually schedule resources, but it lacks some simple and extremely useful features:
Simple leveling. There should be a way to assign resources to each feature, and level the sched...
Kristian Kauper
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Release Porfolio -- collapse/expand all for phases and features
Just a suggestion but in the 'Release Portfolio' view it would be great to have a collapse all/view all button that would open all sub phases (and features) to a releases rather than selecting to open/collapse all individually especially when feat...
Suzanne Vaughan
about 10 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Improve handling in retrospective report when a completed record is added to a release
Sometimes work is completed outside of a planned release. When I pull that completed work into an active release, the release retrospective report treats it as incomplete work. Ideally, the scope of the release would not change and the newly-added...
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I added a custom field to Releases for Project Type and created a filter for it on my Feature Board; however, when I select the Project Type I want to see on the Feature Board, it still shows all of the Releases for the product, regardless of Proj...
Brooke Watson
almost 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
I want the external release date to match the internal release date but still round to a time period such as quarters.
Right now if you set the external release date to be the same as the internal release date then the external date moves with the internal date. I would like an option that when you are rounding an external date that it can also update the date to ...
over 7 years ago
in Releases / Roadmaps
Future consideration