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Add 'Date' in the view at 'Release>Roadmap' gantt level

We are regularly being requested by our clients can we see the dates and assigned too/tasks in the Gantt view via: Releases>Roadmap. Because we can't show the dates (we can show the letter of the day and the week start date), they then ask us t...
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Show JIRA Integration Name On Release Screen

Hi Team - As of right now, if we have multiple integrations enabled and tagged to a particular release, since the release name is common across all JIRA projects, the release screen shows - 1) Actual name of the release 2) And not the integration ...
Amish Singhal over 4 years ago in Releases 4 Future consideration

Bulk Move Master Features

I would like to be able to copy a release and move master features along with the release from one product line to another.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Remove Releases filter as primary filter on Features board

Aligns to how every other screen/section works with multiple filters, not having one filter that limits the flexibility of the screen.
Steven Schafer over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Release progress shown by milestone or phase

Ability to track progress/status of each milestone and phase within a release - we track overall progress of the release, but tracking where you are within the release would be helpful to show other teams/stakeholders where we are at within the re...
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed

If an activity is dependent on another activity within a plan, it would be nice if that activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed. Also it would be nice to notify the owner of that activity that they can start on thei...
Ralph Kreidly almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Provide an Approval Process for Documents within Activities and Save Historical Versions

We use Activities under Plans to generate and deliver documents that go through an approval process. It would be helpful if those documents can go through an approval process within Aha and also save historical versions of the documents while goin...
Ralph Kreidly almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Add ability to display a release description/note on the release plan gantt

Would really like to be able to include a brief descriptor or note within the gantt release plan - specifically for presentations and interdepartmental communication, the release name does not give enough description for most people to properly di...
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Tree of Releases

We use release to reflect our Product Increments. As we are synchronizing with AzureDevops we cannot take advantage of the Release Phases. Therefore It would make sense to be able to define a Hierarchy of Releases: e.g. Release PI-5 --> Release...
Christophe Bucheli almost 5 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Ship more Sub Releases at time

Having more than 1500 products it is time consuming to ship Sub releases one by one. It would be very helpful to select all (or at least a number) of them at the same time
Monica Rossi over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Will not implement