Hide epic reference ID when showing related epics for your feature cards
When displaying epics related to features on the Features (release) board, I would like the ability to remove the epic ID so that only the epic Name is displayed. I use them as visual groupings of features and don't want additional "noise" on the ...
Peggy Haga
about 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Dear Team. We would like to create releases centrally for our entire Product Suite consisting around 20 workspaces. You advised me to consider the roll-up releases function which is great still we have to define our own unified release names manua...
Krisztina Hodjan
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Provide the ability to define Release Naming conventions
In large organizations with multiple products and Product managers it becomes difficult to establish and maintain release naming conventions if the system cannot enforce it.
Russell Roach
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Add ability to set unique colors to a specific Product in a Workspace in the Releases/Gantt View
When viewing the Epics Gantt chart view via Releases > Gantt, it would be helpful to see different colors or set specific colors that are available to a specific product within a product line. The use of this would be for when multiple releases...
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
For Gantt charts spread over a wide date range, I find myself constantly scanning from the feature names on the left of the screen to the corresponding bar in the chart. Often I have to scan multiple times to make sure my eye hasn't wandered to an...
Alfred S
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Add additional step to confirm changing capacity units
When changing the Capacity units, the caution text can be overlooked. "Caution: changing the units will clear the estimates for all features in the milestone and make the time tracking history show invalid information." Adding a separate confirmat...
Craig Pflumm
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
We have a situation where we want to link a subrelease in one product line to a Master release in another product line.We would like to be able to connect these even though they are on different product lines.
David G
almost 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Hi Team - As of right now, if we have multiple integrations enabled and tagged to a particular release, since the release name is common across all JIRA projects, the release screen shows - 1) Actual name of the release 2) And not the integration ...
Amish Singhal
almost 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed
If an activity is dependent on another activity within a plan, it would be nice if that activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed. Also it would be nice to notify the owner of that activity that they can start on thei...
Ralph Kreidly
almost 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration