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Allow automation rules to update Goal/Objective/Key result progress based on custom fields

What is the challenge? On other record types, you can update the progress based on data in custom fields on the record, but currently it's not possible for Goals. Additionally, it's not possible to create automation rules for Key Results. What is ...
Stephanie Lechner 7 months ago in Strategy 2 Future consideration

Allow adding Goal info to Initiatives prioritization page

Who would benefit? Anyone who links Goals to Initiatives and would like to visualize that context when utilizing the Initiatives prioritization page. What impact would it make? This would make it easier to identify Initiatives associated with a sp...
Maria Plotkina about 1 year ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Reference key results in worksheet equations

Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow teams to leverage the power of worksheets to perform custom calculations on their key result data How should it work? Support referencing key results in wo...
Nathaniel Collum about 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow Objectives and Key Results to be inherited from parent object (Release/Epic/Feature)

What is the challenge? When I set a Release's or EPic's Key Result I need to be able to automate or set a condition that all children are set to the same Objective and Key Result What is the impact? Without this ability Objectives/ Key Results hav...
James L 5 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Calculate key result progress by current/target metrics

What is the challenge? Today, progress at the key result level only allows progress to be calculated from features. What is the impact? It's not possible to base key result progress on its target metrics Describe your idea Allow option for the pro...
Nathaniel Collum 7 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow reporting on todos on Key Results

What is the challenge? I am unable to create a report on todos on Key Results. When I attempt to create a report with Todos as the primary record, Key Results are not an option for the secondary record. What is the impact? I am unable to track tod...
Bonnie Trei about 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Planning to implement

Report on the contribution of a release towards the progress of a goal or initiative

Very often goals' and initiatives' progress will be calculated from the completion of features contributed to them, which will span multiple releases. It would be great to be able to natively report on the contribution towards the progress of the ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Allow updating child initiatives based on parent initiative fields in automations

Who would benefit? Those using roll-up initiatives to manage strategic work. What impact would it make? After updating a parent initiative, this would allow users to quickly have child initiatives update with relevant info without having to go thr...
Maria Plotkina about 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Sort Initiatives by Custom Field in Strategy - > Initiative

What is the challenge? In Strategy -> Initiative page, we are not able to sort the initiatives by custom fields. Due to the limitation, after we save initiative rank to a custom field using "Prioritization View", we are not able to reflect the ...
Hank Liu 6 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab

Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow me to customize the key result data displayed on my records How should it work? Ability to customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab
Nathaniel Collum about 1 year ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration