Currently I can create a link in the Aha! text editor by selecting text, the clicking the link icon and entering the URL. It would be great if I could just select the text in the editor and paste the URL to automatically transform the selected tex...
Austin Merritt
almost 6 years ago
in Notes
Already exists
When retrieving lists of items with the REST API it would be nice to be able to sort by a field. For example, if sorting by last updated date was supported, integrations that query items (using pagination) could stop once they encountered items th...
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
In a Timeline report you should be able to have an option to sort by From Date instead of To date
Where there are multiple line items for one group in the selected dimension it sorts them by the date you used as the TO Date for the Gantt bars. Having an option so sort by FROM Date would mean you don't have to put that date as a dimension on th...
James Carter
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
my team currently has a ton of stuff in the parking lot - but it is very tough to prioritize this because the card-based layout is frustrating to use when you're only moving up/down in one column. too many other things and a lot of weird scrolling...
Steven Kaplan
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Additional time fields for customizing record cards
I would like to be able to have the option to add the original estimate, remaining estimate, and logged time fields to my feature and master feature cards (just like how I can pull them into a pivot table). It is helpful to see the original estima...
business cases capturing and comparison using infographics
Summary: it would be great if I could enter business case details for a product/service in Aha in a visual way and then have the ability to pick and compare the cases/products on one page.
As a Product Manager/Owner I want to create/capture busi...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I need to understand how many unique clients are voting on ideas
We use the idea board to gain insight into our customer needs. The sizes of our customer vary widely and when the larger companies submit an idea, they send an internal blast to their users to vote on the idea. This skews the data and makes it dif...
Joanne I
almost 3 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Often when writing up an idea you are just trying to capture it quickly, but very likely, you can make it more understandable or simpler after the creation, but Aha doesn't let me edit either the summary or the body of the idea.
This doesn't seem ...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
So that someone doesn't (as ofter) undo all the manual ranking work, since the menu makes it looks a lot like a sort option, not a "this will change your data" option.
Bjorn Aannestad
almost 3 years ago
in Releases
Already exists