The strategy section captures a lot of good information, but it would be great to also capture tracking around an MVP.
Something like:
MVP Iteration #, Hypotheses, Results, Date
Dan B
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Integrate reports from Salesforce for display within a dashboard in Aha!
Reports from salesforce (like module penetration, sales pipeline by product, etc.) are key information for our Product Managers. Being able to see these reports within Aha! would minimise the number of platforms they need to use to do their work e...
James D
over 4 years ago
in Salesforce
Future consideration
Add area to configure and enter Customer information
Looking for a good place to add customer information including things like a business plan, products and product features using, as well as, those interested in.
It would be great if it appeared as a tab under Strategy --> Overview and had th...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Webhook data from Ideas is split in two messages and is missing Category and custom fields
When a new Idea is added in the Ideas Portal, we get 2 separate "added idea" HTTP requests. The first only contains the Description field. The second contains the Name field and a few other fields. This makes it very difficult to take an action in...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Currently not allowed would be nice to have available. Use case is validation that all of our hundreds of item have the correct setting enable. Only way to do this currently is to re-update everything in mass.
Alex B
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Improve the creation, change and management of the Line and Workspace capabilities in easy-to-use way(s)
There needs to be a 'better' way to create the Line and Workspace hierarchy Right now, you go to an arcane place ( Account / Customizations / Workspaces ) Then you create a Line, … then you create a workspace ( or another Line ) This is a Wizard-l...
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Hide Master releases from Gantt Roadmap Reports/Views
I manage a program across multiple product portfolio, one that uses master releases per quarter and one that does not. When I try to pull a release roadmap report, there isn't a way to hide the master releases from the view. I've solved this probl...
Wen-Wen Lin
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Promoted idea reference ID should be visible to all users
When an idea is promoted to a product that a user cannot see (for example, it moves to a different workspace), the ID of the feature should still be displayed to the user. Without this information, it means that all users must be users inside ever...
Yancey Larochelle-Williams
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration