As an admin, it would be helpful to have a report that would show all required fields by area - e.g. require fields for workspace, epic, feature, etc. and including workspace layout. This would help in the analysis of what fields are used and requ...
Wayland Fox
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Deletion of Product Lines should not restructure permissions
When a product line is deleted and it's children are preserved, they are moved to the top-level instead of being inherited by the parent product line. This creates issues with permissions and it should not be so difficult to restructure the worksp...
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
In GitHub integration, we would like to map a custom field called "Repository" to a static value that is identical for all issues from the one GitHub integration. That way we could then show the value as a label and also filter by it in feature vi...
over 3 years ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
Currently, it is only possible to filter features by "integration name search". Instead, it should allo filtering by "integration name" where a dropdown would let us select from the available integration names.
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I am using UserZoom. UserZoom is using AHA! for idea management. Whenever I file an idea, I receive an email message telling me that I have filed an idea. I understand that some people might want this. I don't. I am wasting time handling such mess...
When I add a Tags custom field, it would be more efficient if I stayed in focus any time I added a choice or edited. Currently, when I add or edit, after saving, I am returned to page one at the beginning. This is inefficient for times when I am r...
Karie Kelly
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Hello AHA Team, with the new chart type i´m loosing a lot of configuration/style options. Easy one, e.g. the file size of the legend. Please give me back the configuration options. The new approach does not make anything easier, just complicated c...
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration