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State clearly which plan every new go to market feature announcement relates to

Many of the new feature announcements that appear automatically each week now relate to features only available in specific plans. This is usually only mentioned in the body of the message. I would request that Aha make it clear at the top of each...
Dave Tucker over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Ability to create idea form template similar to the initiative and features templates.

Ability to add prompts (like business value) to the description prompting users to add that specific information to the description when adding an idea. This prevents the need to add custom fields to the idea record layout, which would then also n...
Guest over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Feature dependencies based on Requirement dependencies

Our engineers have a good view into Jira issue dependencies. Our business process enforces that all Jira issues will belong to a Jira Epic. We then map those Jira Epics into Aha Features. We would like the Jira Story/Task/Bug dependencies to be ro...
Alfred S over 3 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Future consideration

Enable a group of users to be notified when a new Idea is entered on the portal by someone else - not the creator, the managers of the idea portal

When users enter a new idea, the only way we can find to see that a new idea was entered is to go to the idea portal. We would like Aha to notify a group of users that a new idea was entered by someone so we can review immediately.
Steve Podzamsky over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Default workspace/category in Ideas Portal when raising from a filtered list

Clicking "Add New Idea" from a URL that is already the Project/Workspace or Category should have those fields pre-populated in the form. This facilitates a quicker submission process and avoids any potential confusion for a user where they may not...
Andrew Brazel over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Add a "Two way integration" (set once)

Please add a "Two way integration" (set once) feature in Integrations 2.0. Use case: the Feature Name (in Aha) and its corresponding Summary (in Jira) are not always the same. For example, the name in Aha is usually short so it shows well on the r...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

New bubble chart date is not correct

Notice dates on the new chart compared to the old chart. Dates displayed on the new chart are incorrect. This is the exact same dataset.
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Score Value Calculations

It would be helpful to have data fields in the scorecard that can calculate dollar values based on idea scores. For example, if my idea revenue score is 3, my revenue data field can equal $100,000. I am aware the reports can calculate data fields ...
Jonathan Beggs over 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ability to NOT include the Description Field for the Create Template

I am using the new Template capability to provide guidance for populating Initiatives / Capabilities (Features) via a standard format. Unfortunately, to use this feature I am required to include the Description field in the Create Layout. This res...
Peter Bongiorno over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Query AHA metadata on Custom Layouts

We want to report on our business units' compliance using standard custom layouts for Workspaces which we have set up. Therefore I am trying to extract the AHA metadata underlying the Custom Layouts, and will then match a Workspace custom fields a...
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration