What is the challenge? When I add tags to my record card using the 'customize record cards bug' model on the Aha Whiteboards feature, the tags do not appear on the record card displayed on my whiteboard. I do not see any tags even when I "size to ...
about 1 month ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Use the API to add a record link between features/ideas and organizations
We’d like that once the organization is selected, an automatic Linked record would be created under the Related tab, showing a “relates to” for the relevant organization (adding it if not existed before). First, I tried to find a way via rest API ...
Karin George
about 1 month ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Calculate key result progress by current/target metrics
What is the challenge? Today, progress at the key result level only allows progress to be calculated from features. What is the impact? It's not possible to base key result progress on its target metrics Describe your idea Allow option for the pro...
Nathaniel Collum
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Custom table records are currently sorted by order of creation. Since users often create more important/common records first, the important ones end up at the bottom of the list. Instead, allow sorting these records via drag-and-drop (or at least ...
Zach Schneider
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
The new User Story Map functionality is really good and we've started using it for some cases. What would be really useful is to be able to configure the cards in the say way we can on the feature boards. This would allow a user to select the diff...
John Biltcliffe
over 5 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The auto-resizing functionality used by Aha! dashboards makes report panels, text boxes, and images appear at different sizes on different people's computers. What is the impact? This provides an uneven visual experience. Da...
2 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add message to linked record drill-in on custom roadmap
What is the challenge? Currently the drill-in on a custom roadmap shows the related records for the primary record, not necessarily for the record being viewed in the bars What is the impact? This is mis-leading as the drill-in appears next to all...
Peter Whisenant
2 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Some of my stakeholders would would prefer to printed presentations, but the PDF rendering engine does not do a great job of pagination and I am a bit embarrassed to share a PDF. Currently, each presentation "view" starts on a new page. This looks...
about 10 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Hi guys,I would like to disable votes on an ideas portal. Why? So as to freeze the score. People were given 3 weeks to vote, and I now need to move on to finishing to rate each suggestion. I can still export the votes and import them in a custom f...
about 5 years ago
in Voting
Unlikely to implement
What is the challenge? Common process flow shapes are not available in Aha! whiteboards What is the impact? Certain diagramming cannot be visualized. Describe your idea Add common process flow diagram shapes to whiteboards https://www.gliffy.com/b...
Stephanie Lechner
4 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration