I would like to change the columns and sort order that are displayed in the grid in Product overview pages. Currently I see Name, duration and Status but would like to other such as Assignee
Pip Staton
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Add filter for "Used In" to workflow and status screen
Numerous workflows make navigating and finding the correct workflow challenging. Add a filter to this screen so that the user can specify the workspace(s) for whose workflows should be displayed for easier management
Keith Davenport
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Default workspace name filter in integration updates screen
In order to limit the information displayed in the integration updates screen to be more relevant, set the workspace name filter to default to the workspace chosen in the application rather than defaulting to show all
Keith Davenport
over 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Link Initiative Rank to the Initiative Score for accurate Ranking
If you are looking at a Rank field, one would assume it's based on the only mathematical formula on the record. Our teams don't use the chart - we use a score - so the current Rank field is essentially useless now - when we hoped it would be linke...
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
You can remove the description field from a custom layout but the field remains in the overview so it shows as "description blank" Please add an option to remove the description field from the overview layout.
over 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to black out dates in the date picker custom field
Our team is using the date picker for a "need by" date from our internal teams Idea requests. It would be ideal to be able to "black" out or only allow them to choose a date in the future and limit the request being requested and "needed" on the d...
Carolee Snarr
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Our development system formats feature/requirements/tasks in markdown. We sync with Aha using the Aha API. Unfortunately we loose all formatting when attempting a 2-way sync with Aha. Supporting Markdown for API create/update/read operations would...
Alex G
over 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Retain original estimate unit when exporting to Excel
I have created a report to show Feature, Feature Estimate (days) and we pull in Time Spent from Jira. When I export the report to Excel, it automatically converted the Feature Estimate units to hours at a predefined conversion rate of 8 hours = 1 ...
Julie Edwards
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow the admin to show/hide the 'edit ideas' button
Editing is useful for typos and such but if the context of an idea in the idea portal gets changed it may lose its relevance to the promoted feature - dollar value, customer name, or even category.
Curtis Wiseman
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Currently a billing admin can provide the PO number when adding seats in an Aha! account which is great but it would also be good to show a preview of how much will be owed so that they can generate the PO accordingly.
Peter Whisenant
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration