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"Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons on Gantt Charts

"Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons on Gantt Charts are drastically need it. This would be a huge time saver.
Alex B about 5 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

Change cardinality between feature and release to 1:N

It just so happens that features are not finished within a single release and then there is problem with what to do. Create a custom status "unfinished" or make a cut at the finished work and clone the feature to next release to capture leftover w...
Daniel Pokrývka about 5 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration

Capture replies to an automation email as a Comment

We have created an Automation Rule in one of our workspaces to send an email to specific people when a new Feature is created. Some email recipients have replied to these emails expecting their response to be captured as a Comment in the Feature r...
Roger Oliver about 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Ability to collapse comments

Often I'm working a feature that has many requirements on it. Some of those comments can have very large discussions on them, making it hard to scroll to the next requirement. If I could collapse the comments, it would make it easier to have multi...
Jonathan Steel over 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Configure location of pinned ideas

Pinned ideas are an excellent way to bring attention to ideas we'd like to quickly get some feedback on. While being positioned at the top of the ideas list is great for drawing attention, this realestate in the portal is pretty valuable to us. We...
Shawn Zenz almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

allow epics and features to be independently defined, then attached to a release

currently, you must define a release first, and though you could use placeholders releases, you can’t create epic’s without having them be in a release……seems unnecessarily restrictive, why can’t Epics be created independently of release, then ass...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Select all option in select when scheduling report to be sent regularly per email

Hi Ahars, I encounter very annoyingly not having the option to select all users in the dropdown attached to this thread. We are a big organization with many Reviewers and would like to send reports via email.
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Simplify adding existing Epics and Features to a User Story Map

When creating a new user story map, you usually add steps and then you might want to add existing records like Epics and Features under these steps. But adding an existing Epic or Feature from the "Add existing records" panel will just add those i...
Guest over 2 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

List report auto-refresh

When user is working on List Report and changing the records data in panel view records after closing the record list report is not refreshed. User need to do it manually. It would be great if the line with record which was updated will be updated...
Guest about 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Simplify the process of finding and fixing duplicate organizations

Today, it's quite onerous to find and fix duplicate organizations. We'd like Aha to help identify potential duplicates (either the names are similar enough, or they have the same email domains). Once identified, we'd like bulk merge capabilities (...
Brian Trombley almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration