Many actions on Release Planning module in Develop prompt you to add a release
This is more of a bug--whenever I take most actions on the Release Planning screen under Plan, or often even when I jump into the page to start with, I'm given a prompt to add a new release when I didn't ask to do that.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Many users request translation in other languages. Some ideas about this are 4 years old. How about speeding this up by a self-translation option?
Other companies solve the translation issue by allowing users to translate texts themselves and to u...
over 6 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Notify Idea Submitters that their Idea has been Turned Into a Feature. Notify a second Time when that idea has been released
There is no transparency for submitting ideas and watching them be pushed to production for non developer folks. If someone submits an idea they should be notified when:
It is converted to a Feature
It receives the status "will not implement"
Max Chanoch
almost 10 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Improve menu language for turning on estimates in features
In the feature edit screen ... menu, the item to turn on the estimates field uses the word "Time tracking history" and then a checkbox. That's highly confusing in organizations that track estimates / effort in points and led our users to not know ...
Bastian Schoell
over 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Add an add comment to both the top and bottom of the idea portal page
When reading through ideas in the ideas portal, if you immediately have something to say you click the add a comment button at the top, but this doesn't feel enough like a conversation or forum, it doesn't flow. It may improve if you add a reply b...
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Click Release to get to release detail instead of always going to the gantt chart
You have to dig hard to find where the release phases and milestones are listed. I still don't know how to get there directly, I just have to find a Details on the open release to get there.
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Be able to have TBC in roadmap if no dates set yet not long extended bars
At the moment - if your creating a roadmap to show your features - so you select by feature start date / end date in custom roadmap, if any of the features do not have dates yet selected, the long extended bars show that make it seem the feature i...
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
make data from a related record available as a field
currently a related record is only available for reporting as a link, which cannot be used for filters, pivots or sorting. This request asks to make information from the related record to be available as a field (custom or otherwise) so that it ca...
Frank Salvo
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Attachments linked to Note custom fields should be supported in Integrations 2.0
The note custom field allows for documents to be attached. However, when "attachments" are synchronized between Aha! and the development system, only attachments linked to the Description field are sent over. It would be ideal if the documents att...
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration