I have a report that is to be delivered to two audiences at separate points during the week. Right now I can only schedule one email rule. I would like the ability to set up multiple deliveries for one view.
Nerissa Muijs
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add Boolean Field mapping for Rally 2.0 Integration
Currently, there is no way to map Boolean fields in Rally to Predefined Choice fields in Aha. A Boolean field in Rally can only be mapped to a text field or a few other options like Aha Rank, and can only bring the data from Rally to Aha, not the ...
Stephen McAdams
over 2 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
As a user I don't want my requirements sent to JIRA (or other integrations) if they're marked as Will not implement
I often mark requirements as "will not implement" in Aha (rather than deleting them) just to keep a trail of requirements we've discussed but decided aren't needed. Then when I push to JIRA from Aha, it brings all requirements for a feature over.....
over 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
It would be helpful to be able to view 'Features' within an 'Epic' in the same way we view 'Requirements' within a 'Feature'; as list with similar functions such as reordering, expanding, etc.
Clare S
over 2 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
The current Feature Roadmap view is very cool but it can get extremely crowded.
The current functionality allows more than adequate flexibility in filtering out Releases and Features. However sometime you want all the information available.
I have...
Carl-Hein Mostert
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Show what presentations a view belongs to in the "export" button
As a user wanting to put my views and reports into presentations, I want to be able to see what presentations any view or report has already been used in, By looking in the "export" button, So that I don't accidentally add a view multiple times, o...
Max Cascone
over 7 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Hi Team, is there a way to search the Team Board like you can in the roadmaps workspace, I see the search feature in the sidebar for backlog but not on the team workspace.
Jeff Tucker
over 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
We have lots of products and lots of ideas portals. It would be really useful to have a master style sheet, which ideas portals can inherit - and also, when a change is made to the master style sheet, for this to be cascaded to ideas portals using...
Julie Edwards
over 2 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
Other great Kanban-style boards (e.g., Trello, GitHub Projects) allow scrolling the individual columns which makes moving an item from one long list to a specific position in another long list much easier. I'd like to see this on the Feature board...
Chuck Burt
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Need a permissions ability between Reviewer and Contributor for features description editing
Problem Statement: The current permissions/licensing structure of Aha is cost prohibitive for companies with larger business review teams who need update feature descriptions prior to development (i.e. moving features through stage-gate prior to a...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement