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Option to send a release's features via an integration in bulk, without sending the release itself

With releases mapped in an integration, I have the ability to send the release and its' associated child records over to my development system with one click. If the release mapping is removed from the integration, this option isn't available. Eve...
Andrew C almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Aha! Releases Should Honor ADO Area by Default

I am unsure why this feature was designed this way; However, when creating and pushing a release from Aha! to ADO, it should honor the area path set up in the Aha! to ADO integration. Furthermore, when linking to an existing iteration in ADO, the ...
I R almost 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Update product prefix on existing record IDs

We need to update several of our product names and prefixes, however, the capability in the GUI doesn't allow us to reset or update the prefix for any existing records. Going this route means we would have a product with features in it that show d...
Kirstin Maurer almost 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Ability to bulk edit dependencies and other item relationships

We use AHA across multiple sub-businesses. Our sub-business relies on capabilities delivered by another sub-business. It'd be much more efficient to make sure dependencies are properly mapped if I could make multiple features depend on another fea...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Future consideration

Set Rank order from Jira to Aha!

When configuring a new Product in Aha to integrate with Jira: The backlogs are already in priority order in Jira. However, when syncing over to Aha!, the priority order does not carry over upon the first sync. I understand how to use the rank fiel...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Product line only permissions

As an Aha! admin of product lines, I would like to provide access to the head of strategy to contribute to strategy, but not to also CRUD on releases, epics, etc, so that the person can edit only areas relevant to their role. Idea: create fine g...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Group Ideas in list view to one feature

When you create a list of all features assigned to a release you can add the columns for the requirements, however these columns do not all come in the correct order and each requirement creates a new line for the feature. E.G. A feature with 4 re...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

History View for Presentation

Who would benefit? Workspace Admins What impact would it make? for Admins to view who made changes to any of the presentation How should it work?
Alvin Somcio almost 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

please add filtering by 'assigned to' to the roadmap

Who would benefit? me What impact would it make? makes the roadmap feature more flexible How should it work? just add a filter option to the existing filters
Guest about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 5 Already exists

Comments in shared documents

When I’m adding a note in “My work” to share with others, they cannot add comments to the note (functionality seems not to be available). Only when I moved it out to one of the workspaces, then I can use the comments in the note (but there I canno...
Ronit Binshtok about 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration