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Add option to "calculate from remaining estimate" in product line

I find this calculation the most accurate one and I want to place it in the highest hierarchy (company parent line) so that it can be inherited to all the workspaces in my account. Today, this option is available only in workspace level. Which mea...
Ronit Binshtok almost 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Add Description fields for Initiatives as a filter option in reports

Add Description fields as a filter option in reports. MVP options "is blank" "Is not blank" so we can find object records where the description is not filled in.
Eric Cannady almost 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Combine tags with AND in filters

Combinations of simple tags are useful to categorise a feature (rather than single tags with complex meaning). It's more elegant and flexible. For example: 'settings', 'mobile' and 'web', rather than 'web settings', 'mobile settings', other kinds ...
Chris Taylor almost 2 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Bulk action to restrict sharing on notes and whiteboards for a specific user

Currently, notes and whiteboards are shared individually with stakeholders outside the Aha! system, but also then have to be restricted individually if a person should no longer have access. Please add functionality that would allow administrators...
Kalyndra Craven almost 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Increase the maximum number of slides/pages in a notebook beyond 40

We have a large organization with multiple divisions under using Aha!. Need to create a single Notebook that can host all Roadmaps for specific division for easy access. Limit of 40 is very low. Need this to be in 80-100 range.
Rishi Patel almost 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Unlikely to implement

Total Count in Features workflow board

Ability to see the total number of features under each column within the relevant status when using - Features workflow board. Please see attached representation.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Dashboard to-dos and comments

Challenge: I love dashboards as they enable me to quickly tell a story around my work. Currently, I need to create a standalone to-do for others to review the dashboard and share their feedback and comments. Desired experience: I would love to hav...
Julie Price almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Admin area audit function

There should be an audit function for the admin areas. In many companies, the admin work for Aha is distributed across several people or departments and it would be helpful to have an audit function to see who made changes at what time as sometime...
Michelle Vang almost 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Change how integration changes show up in history

We have integration setup with ADO. At the end of setup there is a "run as user" option that can be set to the user that is logged in. When integration changes something in Aha, it looks like that user changed the record. There is now indication t...
Brett Wilmeth almost 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Automations Based on "Idea Submitted Portal"

We have multiple ideas portals that land in the same workspace and need to be able to use the ideas portal used (field visible only in reports: "Idea submitted portal") to run automations (for example who to assign the idea to). Currently we build...
Kristina Ursin almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration