We are using Pragmatic Marketing and are capturing NIHITO notes as Models so that we can have a consistent format/layout. Strategic Models right now only allow for the inclusion of Note boxes. This request is to allow for the linkage of Strategic ...
Lexy Kassan
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In Trello, if you open an attached OneDrive file, it opens it as Sharepoint URL so you can see the entire file and edit it. In AHA, it only shows you a one-page preview and then you have to download the file to see the entire file.
over 5 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Support sending the Aha! Rank to Rally Rank in the 2.0 integration
Currently, the 2.0 integration does not support sending the Aha! rank to Rally in the same manner as the 1.0 integration - it cannot actually affect the ranking of items in Rally. As a customer who was using this in 1.0, we would like it to be ava...
about 7 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
As a Product Manager, I would like to "watch" an idea in an idea portal without having to commit either a vote or comment to it so that I can see how it's progressing and to be notified when other comment on it.
Tom Beck
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
We've started building out our roadmap in Aha! using the Epics functionality. One thing I have found tricky is locating Epics after I've created them, as I can only see them within the context of a Release or Parking Lot. After enabling the "List"...
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
Adding a feature directly to a release sets "start date = today" and due date in +5 days. I'd like to either change the default days that are set - or better still set it to the Release/Ship Date. At the moment the +5 days pushes out my release/sh...
David Behr
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists
We want to show a dependency of one of our Features on a deliverable from another team without having to create a separate feature and map and sync it through the regular JIRA integration. I think being able to import the JIRA link (and descriptio...
almost 8 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement