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Setup integrations on Product Lines

It would be very nice to setup our pivotal tracker integration on a product line. That way if a ticket moves between products in that product line it retains the integration that was configured for it.
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 3 Unlikely to implement

Improve integration job troubleshooting steps

To help me quickly troubleshoot background job logs: Tag each Update all linked records job type with the integration name. You are already doing this with Integration Import job types. In the case where a background job has failed, you write in t...
Alfred S over 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Commitment Register as part of Aha!

What is the challenge? To find all the cross product commitments that have been made, I would like to find them all in one place What is the impact? I can use tagging but tagging is also used for other things. Describe your idea I would like to ha...
Peter Johnston 11 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Bulk find and replace text in list report records

This would be useful in cases of org terminology changes and for changes in standard title formats.
Emily Millman over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to filter on category for Ideas API

For the "List ideas for a product" endpoint, it would be useful to have the ability to filter on categories. Users have this ability within ideas portals, but there doesn't seem to be a way to achieve this in the API.
Kieran Scott over 1 year ago in API 0 Future consideration

Map Zendesk attributes to Aha Idea

Among other attributes tracked in Zendesk, client name is an important factor in understanding the impact of, and reporting on our response to enhancement requests. Without the ability to map these attributes from Zendesk, we will have to manually...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 5 Already exists

Ability to map to "No entry" status in Rally

It is possible for a status in Rally to have a "No-Entry" value but you are not able to map to this in the integrations. In a use case where a record is created in Rally and does not have a status set (i.e. it is set to "No-Entry"), when you link...
Madeleine Black about 6 years ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Add Row numbering to List reports

Similar to excel, it would be really nice to have the list lines numbered. I frequently go back and forth between Excel and Aha reports to cross reference data and make updates to Aha fields. However, it is easy to get lost and update the wrong li...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Show the 'days in status' for things that are in Not started

Why I want to see this for Not started records: I want to see how long something has been sitting in the prioritized backlog without any movement If something was assigned to someone but is sitting in not started, I want to see how long it's been ...
Todd Meyer over 1 year ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Add status filter to Github importer

The importer shows all repository issues, including closed issues. It also doesn't show what the issue status is, so we must click through them to find those we want to import. I suggest: adding a status filter, set it to show open issues only sho...
Alexey Zimarev 11 months ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration