This is for the Strategic Initiative Four Quadrant Chart.
In a typical 4 quadrant chart there are two axis, I suggest using One Scorecard per Axis.
The Y Axis is Value and the Value Scorecard can have many contributing factors such ...
David Main
about 7 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I am looking to use the new Idea Prioritization Rank to gauge the rank of a given idea across several stakeholder groups. Ultimately, this is related to what I have described here: The new Idea Prioritizati...
Joe Buehlmeyer
over 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Currently, progress does not show for milestones. If a to-do is assigned to the milestone and the to-do is completed then a green check-mark shows on the milestone. On a custom roadmap this should show as progress 100% so that I can color-code my ...
Expand the list of available fields in report calculations
There are some fields that are not available in report calculations. It would be great if the list of available fields was expanded. Today I'm specifically looking to add "Release Theme" to a calculation.
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to sort non-numeric columns in pivot charts by non-alphabetized sorting convention
Currently non-numeric columns on pivot charts are only able to be sorted by A-Z or Z-A for Ideas and Initiatives. It would be helpful if these columns could be sorted in a customized way. For example, if sorting by initiative status, the column or...
Karla Johnson
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
The ability to archive Initiatives shouldn't be based on the timeframe value but status.
Timeframe can be leveraged by multiple resources, long in range, or not accurately updated.
The status reflects a "done" state and is a better indicator if so...
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Support Movement of Requirements to Different Features in Other Workspaces
We recently integrated JIRA stories mapped to Aha! requirements but are running into an issue with stories moving from JIRA epic to JIRA epic. Currently, Aha! supports stories moving from epic to epic, but only if those epics are mapped to feature...
Anh Truong
almost 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Apply record description template when converting whiteboard objects
Today, converting a whiteboard object to a record will include the name. However, it would be useful to automatically apply the initiative, epic, or feature default description template on creation.
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration