Include initiatives and objectives in the Related Tab under Release
Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? Product managers can at a glance identify if their user stories are tied to Initiatives and objects How should it work? Would it also be possible to include initiatives and objectives?...
8 months ago
in Releases
Future consideration
As a Product Owner, I would like to be able to sort the capacity planning report by team name so that I can quickly find the team I'm looking for in a long list.
Our teams have been leveraging Phases heavily & they are important milestones in the User Journey... Would be exceedingly helpful if you could also visualize the Phases within a Release (cascading similar to Gantt).
over 4 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Allow a list to be sorted by a field not present in the view
If I view information in a pivot table, I have the ability to sort the table based on a field that is not present in the pivot table view. I would like a similar capability in lists.In my specific example, I have created a custom table to hold ris...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We would like the ability to add/edit the layout of the "overview box" in the Idea Portal layout. We have fields that we make public that are based on the idea status. Having those field under the status of the idea would be helpful.
Chris Eichermüller
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to customize strategic vision template so that as we add new products, the template is consistent. Otherwise we have to delete, rename or add new components every time. We have 5 products now but plan to add 20-30 over time.
about 10 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Flag Feature/Story as had been deleted from integration
While I understand the desire to never delete a feature or story either in Aha or the integration partner (Jira in my case). I would like to see a feature that flags the deleted item in Aha as being removed. This would allow me to manually review ...
Kenny Burnham
over 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
It'd be really helpful to put a 'similar ideas' section on the new Research tab to help find other similar ideas you might have missed. Then there could be a 1-click promote button that would promote it to the current feature.
Leverage AI to solve complex Aha! worksheet/calculated column formulas
It would be very helpful if I could describe the calculated column (or worksheet column) that I want in plain english, and have suggested formulas that work with Aha! syntax presented. This would help drive solutions faster and not get caught up i...
Madeleine Black
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration