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Now, Next, Later - start date selection enhancement

What is the challenge? When creating a Now, Next, Later view and planning based on start date, initiatives not delivered or completed with a start date in the past are not displayed What is the impact? When trying to plan, the in flight initiative...
Beth Autry 6 months ago in Roadmaps 2 Already exists

Outlook email integration

Email is still the most used tool in business. ideas, project information, technical details... are all sent via internal email. Integrating Aha with email by using an add-on will be great. The user right-click on a message to see a sub-menu of Ah...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Integration with JAMA

As a product Manager, I Manage requirements through JAMA, I want to align Aha! with JAMA so feature requirements are aligned accross tools.
Guest over 6 years ago in Integrations 5 Unlikely to implement

Allow product lines to have ideas and features

Some ideas and features are across products under the product line. The group product manager should be able to manage and prioritize these ideas/features at the product line level and be able to assign it to product/products if it goes across
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 5 Unlikely to implement

New features created via an ADO integration are assigned to the parent epic release by default

Key problem: the "Parent" field in ADO can contain only one value. In ADO, a feature is automatically associated to the same theme as its' parent epic, but in Aha! this is not the case. So when features import, we associate them with the correct p...
Bryan McElhinney over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Develop Aha! triggers for Microsoft flow

Microsoft flow has over 175 triggers currently available. Examples include Zendesk - When an Item is created, Wunderlist - When a New task is created, Saleforce - When a record is created, Pivotal Tracker - When a story is created, etc. Having acc...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Track timestamps from history tab

Find a way to generate a report that tracks timestamps (date and time) from the history tab, it would help teams that need to capture this data do so more efficiently versus manually looking it up and taking screenshots
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Dedicated Workflow Board for Goals & Initiatives

I'd like a dedicated board for managing a products goals and initiatives. My company uses agile principles even at the highest level of a product as our goals are taken through various stages such as research, development and validation and I woul...
Guest about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Auto assign default permissions for all new users

Appreciate this can be achieved via SSO but it would be a great admin feature to have on the AHA side of the interface. As an admin i would like to be able to set a default permission for product & role rather than have to dialogue with our IT...
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Account settings 4 Future consideration

Automations: use "delete record" as a trigger

If a record is deleted, it can be restored from the recycle bin for 7 days - time is of the essence. It would be helpful to be able to configure an automation that gets triggered when a record is deleted. As an example, "send an email to xxx" so t...
Dale Potter almost 2 years ago in  1 Future consideration