Support fractional teams when planning capacity by team
When using capacity planning for teams, it would be desirable to be able to indicate a resource is partially allocated to a particular team, e.g. 4.5 vs. rounding down to 4.0. There are many teams that have say ½ a resource allocated.
Trending Graph for the Dashboard of point in time stats
I like the Dashboard feature, but I'm forced to pull my numbers into Excel because there is no way in AHA to tell it to grab the last day of the month for each of my record counts and produce a line graph. It would be really great to be able to sh...
John Michaels
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to create JIRA integration thorough Aha API
We have teams with several projects and creating it through templates is not practically scalable, hence require an API to create JIRA integration manually
over 7 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
If there are a number of to-dos (work requests specifically) that I know I will approve all of them, there should be a way to "bulk" accept and approve all the to-dos to create the new records. This would save time for our product managers
Danielle Martinez
about 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Tags should propagate bidirectionally into Pivotal Tracker
Much like status, it would be nice if tags on features would propagate instantly to stories in PT bidirectionally. We have historically used PT labels to organize aspects of our sprint. It would be nice to setup initial tags in Aha and have those ...
Jason Novek
over 9 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
What is the challenge? When viewing Report details, the "Save in" location can not be navigated to What is the impact? When working with sets of reports in a saved folder, I spend extra time navigating back to Roadmaps/Folders/ instead of just cli...
Jon-Paul Ciambra
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The only place I can find Favorites is from the views under Roadmaps > Library. What is the impact? As a new user downstream from Product management, I only consume information from Aha!. I marked reports made by someone ...
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
In custom roadmaps with dots, the progress config setting should change the color of the dot from light to dark to indicate completion when set to to-dos as dots
What is the challenge? Differentiating completed to-dos on a custom roadmap What is the impact? Ability to build program plans and show progress on initaitives Describe your idea
6 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Can "Restored from Draft" on Feature Descriptions be turned off?
What is the challenge? This Enhancement can make it difficult and poor user experience when trying to create a new Feature, not from a Draft. It would be nice if this functionality could be disabled/enabled by the user. What is the impact? All use...
6 months ago
in Features
Will not implement
What is the challenge? Due to recent CSS changes, the padding within callouts is a bit excessive and pushes the icon out of alignment. What is the impact? Looks off compared to the other elements + text blocks on pages Describe your idea I realize...
Jeremy Bruno
6 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration