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Showing 9123 of 9123

Export Product line configuration data into tab delimited file (CSV)

I need to be able to export all the product line hierarchy into a tab delimited file since I am restructuring our Moz product line. The ability to export Product line into a CSV file would be a great maintenance feature under account settings.
Suzanne Vaughan almost 10 years ago in  0 Already exists

When clicking on requirement from MyWork screen or Features List screen, expand requirement automatically

Developers use Aha! and it's always two clicks for them to get to any requirement. It's tedious.
Suzanne Vaughan almost 10 years ago in  1 Already exists

Bulk Editing / Exporting of Aha Score inputs

We have several inputs to the Aha Score calculation (using a WSJF based method.) Naturally the outcome leaves folks wanting an . . . ummm . . . reassessment (as if the East German judge is somehow involved.) It would be great to be able to include...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Ideas header customization is lost when clicking status links from Overview screen

I customized my headers in Ideas List to display votes and name of the submitter but when I get there by following a link through the Overview (say I click on the new features needing review) they revert to some default state. Any pre-defined lis...
Suzanne Vaughan almost 10 years ago in  3 Will not implement

Add next/previous links to feature details

It would be helpful if the feature detail slide-out card on the feature board had next/previous links, for easy navigation to other features. Next would travel down columns/releases, and then to the next column/release when the end is reached.
Kristian Kauper almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

import ideas

I have a backlog of ideas sitting in a different tool, and I'd like to import them into Aha and have them attributed to the original creators (who have been added as Aha idea portal users).
Shawn Smith almost 10 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Already exists

Roadmap delay - ability to push back ALL releases by a month / quarter etc...

Why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work?
Guest almost 10 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

When inputting a new idea/feature I would love Aha to search to see if that idea/feature already in order to prevent duplication of ideas/features being documented.

Essentially, it should work like this Ideas Portal. Type an idea and/or feature and Aha should recommend other ideas/features that seem similar. As a product manager, this would let me know that this feature/idea is already documented within the p...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Allow users to upload their picture instead of using their initials

I'd like to be able to upload my picture to be used next to my comments and such instead of using the default first and last initial. Maybe it's already there, but I can't find it.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

include the internal 'release date' milestone as a dependency in a phase (as Follows, Procedes)

I have many post-release activities that I'd like hang off the release date, which does move now and then
Paul Derbyshire almost 10 years ago in Dependencies / Releases 1 Will not implement