Although limited options there is still a reasonable amount of flexibility to customise the presentations. But the old-school web font selection is very limiting. Something like an integration with Google Fonts would help. Thanks, Karl
over 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
When updating our Aha! account domain we need embedded links to records in Aha! that reference our old domain to continue to work
We are considering updating our Aha! account domain and would like for links embedded in our Aha! records that reference our old domain to continue to work to provide continuity for our team. Manually updating these links is very time consuming.
Erin Ward
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Likely to implement
Integration to Azure DevOps for teams capacity planning
We would like to use Points based capacity planning but it needs to be integrated with (in our case) Azure DevOps which is where the team is committed to and working on work. All of our Features and Master Features (Epics) in Aha are calculated ba...
Release Porfolio -- collapse/expand all for phases and features
Just a suggestion but in the 'Release Portfolio' view it would be great to have a collapse all/view all button that would open all sub phases (and features) to a releases rather than selecting to open/collapse all individually especially when feat...
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
I would like a retrospective report for program increments. I want to see the following when a program increment is completed: PI burndown and burnup reports Features added after starting the PI, features removed from the PI after starting Average...
When an idea has been promoted to an Initiative, allow the initiative status to drive the idea status.
Similar to how when an idea is promoted to a feature, the feature status can drive the idea status in the portal.
Allow a similar status mapping to exist between initiatives and ideas.
Justin Woods
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
when exporting report to excel, export color of red/yellow/green statuses as well
Excel export of aha reports doesn't match the colors in the reports. More details on "colors in custom fields" here:
However, once you export to excel, th...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Products often have more than 1 initiative to support goals. What is the impact? Teams don't receive clear consistent direction on prioritized initiatives Describe your idea Add the ability to Rank initiatives such that the ...
Penny Gerstner
7 months ago
in Strategy
Already exists