Notebook Security - need a third option to restrict notebooks ONLY to users within our corporate domain
We have a situation where we want to publish high-level road map information to anyone within our company who is interested. Ideally, we'd create the notebook, then publish it and provide that link on a corresponding webpage on out internal intran...
Joe Carpenter
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
In order to make the Title page more attractive, we would like to be able to add an image above the Public Title field so that when a PDF is generated the company logo is more visible.
Brian Mundy
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Once a presentation is copied (say from one product to another), you have no way to change what report slide in the presentation is pointing to. While you can delete the report from the slide and add another report, doing so will loose all of the ...
Michael Faust
almost 6 years ago
in Presentations
As a PM I would like to be able to use the Product Notes area to gather my thoughts meeting notes. I do not necessarily want to share all this information with other team members. It would be nice to be able to keep private to an individual user. ...
Add To-Do's and Comments for Individual Product Goals
All other areas of the product have ToDo's and Comments on each record, but not Goals. We are using the Goals to track executive meetings and decisions so we need to comment and add tasks to each goal individually.
Please support bulk updates to custom record relationship fields
Other types of custom fields (such as "regular custom field") support bulk updates, but this type does not.
Additionally, the "initiatives" field supports bulk updates (which is what the record relationship fields seem similar to.)
Not being abl...
Enable "admin response" in report filter with "blank" and "non-blank" filters
Hello, it would be nice to find out which features already do have admin responses via filters that I would include on reports.
Our scenario
1) we CSV-imported lots of ideas from excel given to us by business(former method of idea capturing.. d...
Daniel Pokrývka
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Add a search box at the top of the dropdown list of products in the top left corner of the screen (next to the home button). With a large number of products, it gets difficult to find the one I'm looking for sometimes and I'd love to be able to ju...
What is the challenge? When reporting on linked documents and ideas from the research tab to validate supporting research, the "link document type" is not available in equations to perform calculations on linked items. What is the impact? The link...