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Sync release milestone to a Calendar

I want to be able to see my milestones on my calendar, and I want the calendar entry to be synchronized with my release timeline. If I change it in either place, I only have to do it one time.
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature card drag and drop on Details board

When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Allow for quarter formatting options just like fiscal year formatting in quarterly capacity planning scenarios

What is the challenge? It's currently possible to configure the quarter start month in capacity scenarios, but you cannot set the year format. The scenario configuration displays the year as whatever the starting year is In this example, I need to...
Nathaniel Collum about 16 hours ago in Capacity planning 0 Planning to implement

Highlight mentions to me

When I’m mentioned in Aha! or in an ideas portal, I would like my mention to be highlighted in a different color than other mentions. This will make it easier for me to know exactly where it happened.
Nicolás Hock Isaza 30 days ago in Application 0 Future consideration

AI suggested Ideas clustering/grouping into themes

Who would benefit? Customers and internal team What impact would it make? Easier to identify similar ideas and provide comprehensive market solution How should it work? Have AI traverse thru ideas in a workspace and suggest common themes within th...
Praseetha Balakrishnan 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Allow for a template for collecting ideas

We would like to have a consistent and standardized template for collecting ideas. We ask our users/sales/support teams the same questions to better understand the problem, scenario, and return on investment.
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Allow Develop only users to edit time logged entries

Right now, only a Roadmap user who is a Contibutor or Owner of a Workspace can get access to time logged history. This means that a regular Develop user, even if they are an owner of the workspace, cannot edit or delete a logged time entry. Develo...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Redmine import extension

Teams with a backlog in Redmine have to set up heavy integrations or CSV imports to try out Develop with their data. Create an extension for Aha! Develop that allows people to import records from Redmine directly onto their workflow board.
Jeff Tucker over 2 years ago in Extensions 0 Future consideration

FogBugz import extension

Teams with a backlog in FogBugz have to set up heavy integrations or CSV imports to try out Develop with their data. Create an extension for Aha! Develop that allows people to import records from FogBugz directly onto their workflow board.
Jeff Tucker over 2 years ago in Extensions 0 Future consideration

"Select/Deselect All" Feature in Filter Lists

Nevermind, i just found that this feature exists.
Sharon D over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists