Reports - Ability to display Feature Last Comment Only (this option is available with Release comments but not Feature comments)
This would be beneficial for running stakeholder reports, status touchpoint meeting facilitation, etc. To display the entire comment history is much too long and cumbersome for inclusion in a report.
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
It would be great to enhance the Zapier actions integration, specifically adding the ability to create Aha users (Reviewers, Viewers) and Idea Portal Users through Zapier.
Michael Morrison
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Allow the configured Fiscal Year to be used in Report Filters
When writing a report I might want to apply a filter for results within a time frame. There is a Custom Field option on a date field, This Year or Last Year, but this relates to the calendar year not the fiscal year set up against the account sett...
Sophie Ramsden
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Make "frequently used" sticky in searchable dropdowns
I was thinking this might be especially useful for teams with many users.
I assign to-dos and write comments to the same group of about 5 people. Being able to search and select quickly instead of having to scroll through many is great. But someti...
Molly Jane Quinn
over 8 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Expose Access to Prior Snapshots for Viewers of Presentations
As a product manager building presentations in Aha!, I need my audience to be able to easily refer to previous states of plans that I have created snapshots of, so that change over time can be referenced easily, without putting multiple snapshots ...
Dan Molloy
about 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
As a product manager getting all of my updates ready for a management review meeting where an Aha! presentation will be reviewed, I need the ability to give snapshots a nickname like "Q1 2020 Management Review" so that I can easily keep track of t...
Dan Molloy
about 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Migrating a workspace from a free trial environment to a customised company domain/environment doesn't always go smoothly. To do's and other data fields do not get migrated through the export/import process. Providing 30 day trials within a compan...
Karl V
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I would like to have a report (timeline or pivot) that includes selected features. There are some features, such as technical debt, that don't add value to the display for upper management so I'd like to limit to those that reflect major functiona...
Aldon C
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Send a separate "daily to-dos reminder" email on Mondays
Currently there is no to-dos reminder email that goes out on Mondays. Instead, upcoming to-dos are listed in the "weekly summary" email. The weekly summary email seems like it should contain more high-level information for the week (ex: features a...
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Ability to have a common structure for competitor cards under different products so the layout doesn't change when moving a competitor
When moving a competitor from under one product to another the structure of the competitor page changes and certain fields hide in the new space where it is being moved. This then requires manually editing and moving around fields in the card, whi...
about 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration