Hello! I've added some quality management fields to the bottom of our feature record since the admin section allows you to have fields at the top or bottom. However, it doesn't allow me to update the title and only calls the section " Custom Field...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
When creating pivots - give the ability to filter to 'blank' to-dos. Currently when creating a pivot you can select to filter to Complete or Pending To-Dos but not blank To -Dos. Because of this if you select one - such as Pending - the pivot will...
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When deleting you get a 'do you want to delete this feature/release' etc. I think it would be useful if the message also contained the short description of the feature for clarity. For example 'Are you sure you want to delete the feature 'improve ...
over 6 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
Respect browser defaults for opening links in new tab
When building web apps that hijack hyperlinks (Event.preventDefault()), please respect the default browser behavior and allow users to open such links in a new tab when using keyboard (e.g., cmd+click) mouse (middle button click) shortcuts.
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Make New user message easier to edit and away from security
We have a custom New USer message but when you go to edit it the entire message disappears so if you just want to remove a name you have to reenter the entire message. It is also closely tied to the security area and should be separate so that the...
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Either something similar to the Terminolgoy settings, where the names can be changed or something akin to the Cateogories settings where new ones can be created and managed.
Joe Hart
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Dragging bars in Gantt charts should work in Firefox
Trying to organise features by dragging their bars in a Gantt chart view doesn't work in Firefox. It works it Chrome. Aha should support all major browsers.
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Allow us to add more sections for segment analysis and partner management
I love the new feature to create strategic models. The template for a segment profile looks great. But we really need to be able to create more sections like competitors. I have a list of segments and I want to profile them all (tag metrics like #...
Ryan Thiessen
over 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration