Addition of one or more custom field in the requirement section within the Features
Since Bugs are not 'first class' entities in Aha and the suggested workaround is to map requirements with bugs in JIRA, we have done that and use a custom field of type in requirements which has the value of bug and story. However, when we open a ...
Arun Kalyanaraman
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Make report/ presentation sharing setting easier to find
When creating presentations and custom report/roadmaps, users often get tripped up by not sharing it with their stakeholders, which leaves many stakeholders unable to access the information when posted to a URL. It would be useful to make sha...
Andrew Brooks
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
One of the common questions I get asked is where can I find my folder with all my reports. Although I can share the URL, and the user can, of course, bookmark it, but many don't do this. It would reduce the number of clicks if favourited folder ap...
Andrew Brooks
about 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Make it easier to create and Link Initiatives to Goals
When I am creating my initiatives that will relate to my goals, I find myself having two tabs open with the initiative and goal view, as it easier to see all the information about the goals, and finding my goals in the search field can be frustrat...
Andrew Brooks
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
The right hand side schedule filter should persist through reload.
Currently, the schedule filter present above your unscheduled work resets itself every time the page is refreshed.
That causes extra work if there are parking lots or other schedules that you do not wish to ever display -- eg long term prioritized...
about 6 years ago
in Calendar
Unlikely to implement
Delete To-Dos without needing to dive into details
It would be more intuitive to be able to delete To-Do's from the view you see them in, instead of needing to go into detail view to delete each specific one.
Asim Dhital
about 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Enable side by side of epics and features on Features page
In the board view for Features, you can pivot between epics and features. I would like to be able to see a view where epics are on the left and features are on the right, enabling simple drag and drop of features into an epic. We often start off w...
Jennifer Briden
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
It's helpful to be able to measure the complexity / effort of work compared to the value we expect it to bring to our users. While setting this for initiatives is useful, we also need to be able to do that for Epics and Features.
Jennifer Briden
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I need to understand how many unique clients are voting on ideas
We use the idea board to gain insight into our customer needs. The sizes of our customer vary widely and when the larger companies submit an idea, they send an internal blast to their users to vote on the idea. This skews the data and makes it dif...
Joanne I
about 3 years ago
in Voting
Already exists