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Show To-Do Assignee when collapsed

For some reason the To-Do's don't show their assignee until you expand them. It would be great to be able to see the assignee without having to expand it.
Max Cascone about 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Color Blind Palette

I work with several people who are color blind, I also think some industries regulate a color-blind palette. Please provide an option to use a color blind palette wherever possible within the app.
Max Cascone about 8 years ago in Application 2 Unlikely to implement

Add download asset option on idea slide out panel

Most times that an new Idea is posted via our portal I need to grab the image or asset that was attached. I typically transfer details from the Idea over to our project management software (including the image or asset). Currently it takes three c...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Initiative "Status" Changes Based on "Duration Start/End" Date

Is it possible for the “Status” to change automatically based on “Duration Start/End” dates? For example, if an initiative’s status is currently set as “On Track”, but the duration end date is a week away, could status automatically change to “At ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Aha sharing its own roadmap

Dear aha, I would like to follow up on this idea from last year> I find it somewhat peculiar that the promoters of roadmapping don't want to use their own roadmapping tool for roadmaps, especially with...
Daniel Pokrývka over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Unlikely to implement

Rename "Step" terminology in User Story Map

As a trainer of Product Owners, I need a way to rename the terminology in a user story map, specifically "step," so that it will match our internal terminology, and leads to less confusion in adopting the user story map feature.
Alicia Bosserman over 5 years ago in User story map 0 Unlikely to implement

Representing % calculation in form of progress bar

In customer reports, we have an option of 'fx calculation'. It would be really helpful if Aha! enables to display its values in different forms like progress bar or just a number. Currently, the portal shows a number only.
Vidhi Mehta over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Release & Initiative Completed visual on Hierarchy Report

The Hierarchy report is great. However, I think it would be better if you also got a green tick next to Initiatives and Releases that were completed / shipped. I think this would be a better visual representation of delivery against a goal.
Guest about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow creating an initiative from the "quick add" button in the nav bar

In the upper right of the navigation there as a "+" button that allows me to add different kinds of items quickly from wherever I am (see attached screenshot). I often want to do this for initiatives, but strangely, initiatives is missing from the...
Tessa Adair over 5 years ago in Application 2 Unlikely to implement

Ability to Overwrite the Fredwin Demo Product

Is it possible to replace the hardcoded Fredwin Demo Data product and replace it with my own Aha Demo product. Currently, it's hardcoded and does not allow me to overwrite it. I'd like to designate my own Aha Demo Product and have it function exac...
Marina Reyna over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement