To Do feature: Ability to notify a non-license user of a To-Do via email
Ability to give visibility to colleagues that are not in the tool but need to be aware of a "To Do" owned by a licensed user. Copy the Title/Description/Due Date and send to an entered email address. Helps products managers notify extended stakeho...
over 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Capacity planning - Let me switch between week numbers, week starting, and week ending dates
For me, it's difficult to use week numbers when trying to enter the number of hours I need to assign for a resource. My project plans use actual dates, not weeks, so I would rather use the week starting date. The way the capacity plan page current...
Jeffrey Heilbrunn
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
In the Report screen in the filter area, I can filter by my custom field (which is a Tag) and click through the list of values to add them to the fiter. I would like to be able to quickly select all values of quickly select more values. E.g. I...
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Provide ability for the "hover help" for custom tabs
The custom fields enables you to add hover help for users through the "description" section for that field. Being able to do so for tabs would be great. We are using separate tabs depending on the "type" of the record and this would enable us to p...
Rachel North
almost 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Option to hide Initiatives and Goals from other product lines
When I map Initiatives to a Master Feature or Feature, I am able to see all the Initiatives from a different product line. I would like the option to hide Initiatives and Goals from other product lines, as I'm not concerned with them in this parti...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Filter the Releases In the "Promote New Feature" drop-down
We are a SaaS product and have a ton of releases. I would like the ability to only have one or two releases show up in the drop-down so I can immediately assign it to the current development train.
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Often when writing up an idea you are just trying to capture it quickly, but very likely, you can make it more understandable or simpler after the creation, but Aha doesn't let me edit either the summary or the body of the idea.
This doesn't seem ...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
So that someone doesn't (as ofter) undo all the manual ranking work, since the menu makes it looks a lot like a sort option, not a "this will change your data" option.
Bjorn Aannestad
almost 3 years ago
in Releases
Already exists