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Let Zapier Integration create Notes

Sometimes notes are taken outside of Aha (by customers, testers, users, project members, etc.) I'd be great if we could use the "Actions" dropdown to convert an Idea into a Note
jenny miller almost 10 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

API to get list of custom tables in a workspace

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in API 0 Future consideration

APT to get list of custom tables in a workspace

APT to get list of custom tables in a workspace
Guest over 2 years ago in API 0 Future consideration

Send an email to idea submitter / requestor

As part of a good product management team, we want to regularly collaborate with people who are submitting ideas to our team. We want to be able to send them an email during these events 1) Idea is submitted - to inform that their idea has been re...
Neha S almost 5 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Multi-select product on Idea portal

Idea portal: Would like to have an option to multi-select the products when submitting an Idea. Currently, only 1 idea can be submitted to 1 product. However, 1 idea can be applied to multiple products. Please add the multi-product select feature.
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Have due dates for goals

I want to set a lot of goals for the product and the product team. I associate these with iniatibes, which are like company / product objectives. Iniatives can have dates (start & end), but Goals do not, just a text-based time frame. I wou...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Generate status reports

Be able to generate status reports for various stakeholders that can be emailed. Would have: The status of work in progress What has been completed recently Status of upcoming releases Choose the frequency and audience Integrate results from ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Moving a master feature to a new release should give me the option to move the sub-features

At the end of a release, if a master feature has not been completed, I have to move it to the following release. I would like to be able to do this in prep for shipping the release. However then I also need to move the sub-features to their approp...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Add Idea Ref Id to My Ideas and My Orgs Ideas

It is difficult to speak with a customer and try to find the correct idea they are asking about, without having access to the reference id. This request is to add it to both the My Ideas, and My Org's Ideas.
Sara Olson over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Case insensitive text comparison function required on calculated fields

Currently when using calculated columns or worksheets, there is no way to do a case insensitive comparison. As a result, I need to create an if function with various permutation of cases in order to achieve my objective which is inefficient and di...
Madeleine Black over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration