Add 'Date' in the view at 'Release>Roadmap' gantt level
We are regularly being requested by our clients can we see the dates and assigned too/tasks in the Gantt view via: Releases>Roadmap. Because we can't show the dates (we can show the letter of the day and the week start date), they then ask us t...
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
We would like to continuously deploy the CSS and HTML of the public Ideas portal from our CI system, via the API. Right now looks like that is not possible, the only workaround being reverse-engineering the form.
about 7 years ago
in Branding
Unlikely to implement
"Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" ideas should function same as "Shipped" ideas in the ideas portal
I would like to request for ideas with a "Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" status to function similarly to a "Shipped" status where they are removed from the active list of ideas but remain searchable and in the count of ideas on an ideas ...
Cindy Datlof
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Today, we can auto-refresh products in the filtering but not categories. This is inconsistent with reporting workflows and in fact breaks & resets reports when there are category updates.
Laura Giles
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Why did my ability to see Ideas in a list disappear?
As of today, I can't view ideas in a list any longer. I went into customize navigation (thinking it might be an org change), but I don't see it as an option on that page either. Why would I as an administrator not be notified when changes are made...
My team is trying to become more deadline oriented and having the option to view our feature requests with their due dates AND our sprint schedule in the calendar view would be super helpful. Right now our sprint schedule lives in excel and person...
over 2 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Allow deletion of types and other data while still in use
There are several places in Aha! where we disallow a user action because an object is in use. For example, users can't delete a custom type while records are using it. We already have an elegant solution in place for this when changing from one wo...
Bryan McElhinney
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ability to adjust the number of rows seen in a custom table per pagination. For some tables fewer rows and more pages is better for others more rows on fewer pages. Currently hard coded at 10 per page.
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Extend product tree to support different configurations of a product line
I manage a product line where each product has different configurations. Currently I get around it by making different releases, but it really doesn't solve the problem because the different configurations have different requirements. So, being ab...
David Spada
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement