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Schedule when a document will be published to a KB

What is the challenge? You need to manually publish Knowledge base updates. What is the impact? If you are planning a release or something similar you may want to publish the updates to go out automatically. Describe your idea Add ability to sched...
Chris Quigley 8 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Include ideas in both Research Tab and Related Tab

Having ideas included in the list of other research assets makes sense when I want to view all of the work that went into defining an initiative or feature. However, there is also a need to see all related items in a single location. For this, I w...
Bonnie Trei over 1 year ago in Ideas research 2 Future consideration

Ability to add text above a table or callout box at the top of a note

What is the challenge? When a table or callout box is at the top of a note, I'm no longer able to add text or anything else above it, nor can I move the table or callout box down in order to do so. I've also noticed similar behavior when the first...
Sharon Hu about 2 months ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

In Ideas portal, flexibility to provide conditional logic wherein dependency exists with an Epic/feature. We are using Ideas for leveraging Dependencies.

What is the challenge? Users create ideas, without there is a proper dependency What is the impact? Data discrepancies, because users omit to include dependencies to other records Describe your idea Allow conditional logic, to make mandatory depen...
Edgar Holguin 3 months ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Epic/Feature boards using custom fields than versions

What is the challenge? Today we are not using Aha! out of box Releases and using a custom field for Release at Enterprise wide. So existing Aha! boards is forcing us to create versions at workspace but ideally we would like to use our custom field...
Shiv Shankar Vedharajan 3 months ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

When cloning, please provide ability to clear values in custom fields before saving in Domain Epics/Epics

What is the challenge? User clone records, without cleaning the existing data that is not applicable for the new record. What is the impact? Data consistency and re-work Describe your idea Have an option, when cloning to reset all the other attrib...
Edgar Holguin 3 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Allow updating child initiatives based on parent initiative fields in automations

Who would benefit? Those using roll-up initiatives to manage strategic work. What impact would it make? After updating a parent initiative, this would allow users to quickly have child initiatives update with relevant info without having to go thr...
Maria Plotkina 12 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Introduction of further customization user permissions

It would be wonderful if Aha! had the option to customize user permissions when it comes to adding or editing ideas, adding or editing features, etc. For example, one user could have permission to only work with requirements while not having the o...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 6 Future consideration

Allow resizing report columns without visible headers

What is the challenge? When cell headers and column headers are hidden in a pivot, it is not possible to drag and resize the columns themselves. What is the impact? There are certain scenarios where having visible headers is redundant or unneeded,...
Maria Plotkina 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Track anything from My work

My work is an effective page for anyone managing records assigned to them. However, PMs often manage work assigned to other people. I want the ability to track specific work from My work, even if it isn't assigned to me. A few quick examples: Key ...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in My work 0 Future consideration