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Translation possibility for the names of custom pages

While almost everything in the portal van be translated, including own data like statuses, the names of custom pages can't be translated. This means they are shown in the language of creation, while all other therms are translated
Guest about 2 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Set Goals/Initiatives to Default to Detail view

The default view for Goals and Initiatives is the quadrant / scoring view; it would be nice to be able to default (at either the Account or User level) to the Detail view which is far more useful.
Guest about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

mismatch in trial length for Aha Ideas

We just started our Aha Ideas trial today and the app ribbon at the top says we have 14 days left in the trial. However, when I watched the getting started video it says the Aha Ideas trial is 30 days. Might want to make these consistent unless I ...
Debra T about 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple Zendesk tickets to be linked to more than one Aha idea (when creator is the same)

For our customer base, we're finding that users are asking for the same thing in multiple tickets, or couching similar requests in multiple tickets. However, when I got to link it to an existing idea (to keep our ideas clean), I get an error messa...
Kaitlyn Moore about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement

Roadmap timeline view for Quarters

When working with high level initiatives that span many quarters, current view demands lot of scrolling (using Quarter resolution). The quarter scale shoud be compresses to allow the full span view in a single page ideally.
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Label the description box on the feature details panel.

When we create a new feature we populate the box labelled description which is mapped to description in JIRA - the user story. . But in the detailed view in AHA! that description text appears in a blank box. Are we able to label this description?
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Import a Word document

sometimes it’s more convenient to prepare a document with features and to collaborate on it outside of Aha. It will be nice to be able to import it including formatting and embedded images into a feature it an epic in Aha. Today we need to paste i...
Tomer about 4 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Add To-Dos, Comments, etc. to My Notes

Love the new My Notes functionality, but it is not consistent with other Notes, in that it does not have Comments, To-Dos, Related, & History.
Pam Carpenter about 2 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Add Ideas Portal Auto-Assigned Number to the Splash Screen

A customer asked for this: Add the auto-assigned number in the Ideas Portal to the splash screen so when scrolling through the "Ideas" a viewer can see the issue number without having to drill into every Idea. Current functionality allows one to S...
Guest about 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Be able to add a summary row to a list report

I have created a list report that lists all of the features with their original and remaining effort. I would like to have a summary row that shows the sum of these two fields.
Guest about 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration