Support PKCE based Auth Code requests for OIDC SSO portals
We request that Aha! enhance their security posture as it relates to authentication and follow industry recommendations: “PKCE is not a replacement for a client secret, and PKCE is recommended even if a client is using a ...
Joe Granville
almost 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Hi Hari, It isn't currently possible to configure the data labels further - they are either visible or not. The reason the data count isn't displaying on your stack elements is because there isn't enough room for it to fit. This is due to the unal...
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Alphabetize Master Features in MF dropdown list in Feature details
When you go to select a master feature from the dropdown in the feature details, the master feature list is in some order that is not alphabetical, nor is it "most recently created" or any other logical order - it seems random. Please sort this li...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
It would be great if we had a way to enter stories quicker, like we have for TODO (enter key will create new todo)
After all, AHA! Ui is slick. This makes it faster.
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
When picking an Initiative on Feature, the time frame set for the product's initiative is not shown next to the initiative in the select list. This become difficult to know you are selecting the correct initiative on the feature if initiatives are...
almost 6 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
I regularly share content with colleagues and others who do not have Aha access. I do this using web pages. However, comments on that content must currently be shared in person, or by email or chat. The ability to add an open comment area on a sha...
Make linked idea more prominent in the epic/initiative record
To make the content of ideas that are the origin or epics/initiatives more accessible and transparent, it would benefit us to display the idea that is linked more prominiently, the way the promoted issues are displayed in ideas. Right now the idea...
Nerissa Muijs
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
We have one premium license and the issue is that the feature assignee cannot be set as a dev when it goes to JIRA as Assignee only users that have no license cannot be set up in Aha. I want to be able to at least set up (or have JIRA send back an...
Paul Mundy
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Prompt to save report first when adding unsaved report to presentation
If I am looking at an existing list report and then change the view to pivot but the report does not translate to a pivot then I am forced to create the report again. This is expected but then after I create that report, before saving it, if I opt...
Peter Whisenant
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration