REST API: Ability to only list idea votes and comments updated since a given date
Currently, when listing Idea Votes and Idea Comments for a given Idea through the REST API, all records are returned. It would benefit consumers of the REST API to be able to specify an updated_since query string parameter so that only record upda...
Uri Goldstein
almost 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
It's important for us to make sure all to-do's associated to a phase are completed before moving to the next one. Would love to see some kind of gating functionality available at different levels like phases & release.
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Currently we would like to create multiple competitive landscapes. We would like to be able to create custom views and customise what appear on x and y axis.
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Be able to send a custom reminder email during an Empathy Session
An Empathy Session can be a week long. And our users get wrapped up in their day to day and it is easy to forget about the session. I have been manually creating google labels for group emails to remind them a couple of times during the week. "Tha...
almost 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
We have set up a workflow, that is fairly complex and has a lot of approval To-Do's. Every time, someone else pushes an idea forward, I get one email for each of the To-Do's I have been assigned. This generally are 4-8 for most steps. Getting that...
Warn me when bulk updating a large number of features or provide ability to Undo after the fact
When I am doing a bulk update on one feature and have accidentally selected many more than one it would be helpful to have an alert or warning for which a threshold could be set. For example, if I am about to bulk update over 100 features the syst...
Suzie Hastie
about 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Ability to Toggle Requirements off and on for Sprint Planning
There is currently a checkbox to hide completed items on the sprint planning board. It would be great for a checkbox bellow it that would hide requirements and only show the current features in play for times when a feature has multiple requiremen...
Justin Paulson
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Ability to Clone or Copy Prioritization Report Layouts / a bulk remove feature to remove multiple records from ranking
We are beginning to use prioritization reports, however we are aligning them with our sprint planning. I created a prioritization report for our current sprint, we ranked everything within the sprint, added in related fields we wanted to see like ...
Danny Grigsby
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration