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I don't understand how to undo changes in your roadmaps

Your shortcuts doesn't work, and there is no button to undo last changes
Guest almost 2 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Auto-Refresh Ideas List page after adding a new idea.

When a new idea is added from the Ideas List page, the page should auto-refresh after the idea has been added. If I edit the name of an idea, the page auto-refreshes to show the new name. It should do the same thing when a new idea is added.
Guest over 5 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Improve navigation - General UI&UX

Why use such a small window to work on a record? And why not allow to navigate through the records of a list? When I work on a list of ideas - say I want to score them - I get the whole list and work one idea after the other. I have to click back...
Benoit WAMBERGUE over 5 years ago in Application 1 Unlikely to implement

Enhanced Feature to Idea workflow

I would like to be able to further customize the workflow between Features and Ideas, based on Release status. For example, when a Release gets locked in (e.g. status changed to "in development" or similar), I would like the status of Ideas linked...
Matthew Monahan over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Support zoom in/out for mockups for reviewers

The ability to create mockups within Aha! to illustrate simple flows or concepts it great. However, it can be difficult for reviewers to read some of the information displayed in the mockup in "review" mode because the image gets fitted within the...
JP Guyon over 5 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Complex Calculations in Pivot Tables

I want to be able to define which mathematical formula I want to use on a cell in a pivot table. Some cells I may want to add other I may want to do an average.
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow customization/formatting in the feature or initiative detail record

It would improve the user experience if in the feature/initiative record we could: 1) have the ability to hide from view components that are not being used (such as features and releases), otherwise the detail record can be very long and "messy" f...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Jira Task fields integration / sync-ed with AHA!

In Jira there are multiple types of issues in an EPIC with Story points: User Stories for development and will be released into Production Tasks for all items that is not released in Production (documentation, support, investigations, etc.) Bugs e...
Guest over 3 years ago in Epics 1 Already exists

On Feature level add to the Progress based on Story points of the User stories

On Feature level add to the Progress a possibility to calculate progress on Story points. This will give a possibility on more detail progress.
Guest over 3 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Add help tag to the Progress item on Feature and Epic level

Add to the Progress item on Feature and Epic level a help tag with explanations of the different possible selection
Guest over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration