Product Line Goals Effort derivation from underlying Product Goals
The default chart shows the Effort/Investment for Product Line Goals. This is updated manually. But if there are multiple Product Goals that roll-up to the overarching Product Line Goal, it would help if the overall effort for the Product Line goa...
Amol Naik
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Enhance tables functionality within text editor to enable sorting, filtering, and cell fill (not just highlights)
This would be helpful for informational content that does not belong within native objects, like activities, goals initiatives, etc.
This would benefit all users and will give the product stronger capabilities as a repository. Our company would m...
Reut Levi
about 5 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Reciprocal linking for Phases to other Aha objects
Hi, unless I am missing this, when I add a related record via "#" in a Release phase description, there is no automatic reference to that record picked up, nor does the mentioned record show a reference to the phase. However, this automatic linkin...
about 5 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Easy improvement, but game-changer...
When I work a list of ideas, I find it difficult to navigate through the records. I know I have to view all records one after the other, in order to review or change some data. Once I am done with a record...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Idea portal with Salesforce integration: unique custom field values per request/link
We are a B2B company and we want to start using a private idea portal with Salesforce integration:
Employees will create ideas on behalf of our customers, via Salesforce.
We need to use custom fields that will get specific values per customer...
over 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Currently admins in an account can 'take over' any notebook they are not a collaborator on. When this action is taken, the user is made the owner of the notebook (which doesn't appear to affect anything) and then is returned back to the Notebooks ...
Todd Meyer
almost 6 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
You have nothing for events that have happen to a record (feature). Like last person that modified the record or fields that have changed. I just want the last person the modified the record. I already talked to someone from support but they have ...
almost 6 years ago
in API / Features
Future consideration