Ability to link worksheet value to overwrite the Master Feature Score
We have used a Master feature worksheet to add up several values. I want to know if it is possible to automatically pull that total sum from the worksheet and autopopulate the Master Feature Score card value?
Marina Reyna
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
We can create Teams when using Enterprise +. Since the concept of teams exists in this version, we want to be able to filter the roadmap view to the team level. We have Company Roadmaps, Product Line Roadmaps, and Team Roadmaps but the tool is not...
Ashley Powell
almost 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Create a same View as Features Board to allow grouping by Release for Requirements allowing to see delivery of Sprint
As a Product Owner, I should have the ability to see what is been delivered in each sprint specially when multiple features/master features are being worked upon in same Sprint. Similar view of Features board but for requirements
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When you have created a List Report, the ordering is defined based off the data of the items within the list e.g. alphabetical, Scorecard. It would be great to order regardless of any data, similar to how Features and Master Features can be listed...
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
A master feature may contain many sub features. When looking at the Features view on the Features Board. i would like the ability to condense all features that exist within a master feature - so that just the master feature is shown. Expanding wou...
Tom Groff
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
"Not Contains" search functionality in Reports/Roadmaps
For Roadmap attribute search functionality provide a "not contains" value and logic when filtering on a Custom Field of type text in a List / Pivot report.
Victoria Morrella
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow zendesk integration to auto create an idea to Aha that has private visibility vs another other portal with public visibility.
I have an integration with Zendesk into Aha so support personnel in my company can submit ideas to a private/internal ideas portal. I also have a public ideas portal for my customers to submit ideas that all customers can see. My current problem i...
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
I want to suggest for Aha to allow a way for people to create distribution groups that can be used when creating To-Dos Example, opposed to me adding a person name one by one, can I create a group to include all of those names?
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration