As a product manager I want to hide sensitive product data from other users
Aha is used for requirements and planning but I don't necessarily want all of my engineers having a deep look at the financial risks in the project. Similarly I would like to be able to do resource planning on roadmap items without notifications o...
Mark Gerrard
about 5 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
In order to group ideas the same way you can group features, I find it would be useful to have idea groups. We focus on solving market problems, they feed features (ideas that bring solutions to a market problem). When several features come togeth...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
This idea is present for other fields, but it would very helpful to apply at the Feature Name level as well. When searching for a keyword in the Feature Name in a List report filter, the component does a nice job shrinking the universe of records ...
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I would like the ability to have the dependency icon stay visible or pin it if there is something in that field, (if there are no records, the field should not show) versus having to hover looking for it. Additionally, currently when I hove it it'...
Fatimah Gorin
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Roadmaps
Future consideration
One very large gap is the lack of ability to manage risks/issues. Similar to To-Do/Approval, we need a Risk/Issue tab for each key element (Plan, Epic, Activity) where we can record Risks and Issues; the ability to promote from Risk to Issue to Cl...
Sorin Vacaru
over 3 years ago
in Schedules
Already exists
User story map should have capability to move all cards to top
When using the user story map and adding features in different columns there is no easy way to force all cards to the top of a release which makes it difficult to ensure you are seeing all cards at once. Many can get lost in lower rows for no reason.
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
Use Case: When an existing account holder of Aha! (Roadmaps and Develop), every time I add seats to include more Develop engineers on board, Aha! allows the addition but emails an invoice. Why can't the client choose the preference to pay Aha! in ...
Todd Materazzi
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Scroll in presentation with up/down arrows on keyboard
In a published webpage presentation, it would be nice to be able to scroll up and down using keyboard keys instead of the scroll bar. I have a presentation that is a rather long page, and for several reasons we don't want to split it into separate...
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Easily create relationships for traceability on dependent or related features. Manual editing via a dialog box is old-school and very time consuming when working on large products.
about 5 years ago
in Features
Already exists
allow "copying" of values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields
It would be way helpful, if it would be possible to "copy" single or all values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields, so I could "paste" those values to another Aha object or into email, document, slide or similar. Today, I have to use tw...
Christian Hartmann
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration