One very large gap is the lack of ability to manage risks/issues. Similar to To-Do/Approval, we need a Risk/Issue tab for each key element (Plan, Epic, Activity) where we can record Risks and Issues; the ability to promote from Risk to Issue to Cl...
Sorin Vacaru
over 3 years ago
in Schedules
Already exists
Scroll in presentation with up/down arrows on keyboard
In a published webpage presentation, it would be nice to be able to scroll up and down using keyboard keys instead of the scroll bar. I have a presentation that is a rather long page, and for several reasons we don't want to split it into separate...
over 3 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Create a generic brand profile to protect identities of moderators
While the Admin Response does not show the profile name, if the moderators wish to comment on threads to help moderate, their identity becomes visible, putting the team at risk for potential harassment. The ability to create a generic or brand pro...
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration
Make models into templates, provide mechanism to move templates around in the hierarchy.
Let's say I've come up with a really cool business canvas on my product. I show it off at our monthly product all-hands and our VP says, "I love it! I want all of our products to use this canvas going forward." It would be awesome if all I had to ...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
When a user goes to a URL in the Ideas portal (e.g., if that Idea is not visible, it would be helpful if I could customize the error message.
Generically, the error should say that the Idea is not currently...
Matthew Monahan
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
allow "copying" of values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields
It would be way helpful, if it would be possible to "copy" single or all values from "tags" and "editable choice list" fields, so I could "paste" those values to another Aha object or into email, document, slide or similar. Today, I have to use tw...
Christian Hartmann
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Auto total of feature scores to be combined to create release score
Currently I am scoring at a feature level, and then having to go through and add up all of the feature scores to be able to get my release score populated. Ideally, it would be good if each scored feature could affect the release score automatical...
Kathryn Taylor
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Add "@watchers" as shortcut to all users who watch the record
"@watchers" will automatically populated all users who watch the record, so when writing a comment with "@watchers", it will become @userA, @userB, etc. I know watchers receive automatically the notification about changes in the record, but a pers...