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Export the data into a more commonly used software

Title self explanatory - how to export to something like Word.
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

A visual map of inheritance, where you can remove or add inheritance in a GUI

For enterprise customers, administrating 100+ Workspaces can be come difficult and changes made at a product line level can be reflected in workspaces that you had not intended. Our Hierachy has grown over time, and now needs to the refreshed and ...
Andrew Brooks almost 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Let me use better logic when filtering on tags

I would like to build a report that shows me ideas that have both the 'From-CSC' tag and the 'iq' tag. As far as I can tell, I can't do this right now.
Kevin Simon about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Enhance searching capability when moving a requirement to another feature and merging ideas

When moving a requirement from one feature to another existing feature it would be really helpful if you could search by just the Feature # or referenced. In order to do this today you have to know your entire feature number prefix and all. This m...
Beth Baker about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Features Automation based on Due Date

Currently, there is no ability to notify assignees of a feature (aka project) due date approaching. Every project has a different length based on resourcing, project type, client need, urgency, etc. As such, we need the ability to notify assignees...
Guest about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Custom Fields & Custom Table Deletion Functionality

The functionality of a value in a custom field pick list is such that one cannot delete the value as it is "in Use". This same behavior should be extended to Custom fields and custom tables. The functionality should show "In Use" and when on click...
Victoria Morrella almost 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Include "Release Epic count" as a standard Release field for reporting

Currently, when generating reports for releases, it provides you with a standard field called "Release features count" to include in the report. However, there is no standard field for "Release epic count" which can be extremely helpful in our env...
Karla Johnson about 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Bulk edit a feature in Sprint Board

Hi Team, It would be great if we can have bulk edit for features parked in particular sprints. For an example, in below sprint board if I can bulk edit features it will save lot of time to not edit one by one individually.
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Already exists

Ability to capture & report on the number of comments received during a specified time period

Currently, you can capture & report on how many ideas are received [within a specified time frame]. It would also be helpful if we could capture & report on how many public comments are received [within a specified time frame]. It can ...
jessica howard about 3 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Apply Products in Idea Portal - Ability to sort quickly from a Product List

When configuring idea portals, I'm trying to list it in the products in this ideas portal view, can we have a search functional so we don't have to scroll down?
Marina Reyna over 6 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists