Dragging and dropping is difficult and annoying. Is there a way we can have an "Add to phase" button like the one we see when adding an existing epic to the roadmap?
Jaclyn Fine
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Currently cannot go back and see the completed Sprints, once an active Sprint is flagged as "Complete Sprint". Need this for sizing reference and auditing of retrospectives and other info in the Sprint Theme. In the attached example we completed s...
Clark Milner
about 3 years ago
in Sprints
Already exists
Ability to Sort Milestones, Master Activities and Activities
The ability to sort milestones, Master Activities and Activities will allow the teams to know the next steps in order to complete a milestone, or Master Activity. Currently we are having to enter the last item first so it show up properly in a list.
Summary email listing user's assigned features and to-dos
As a user, I'd like to receive a daily summary email that lists:
1. open features assigned to me
2. open to-dos assigned to me
This is essentially a push of 'My Work' feature and to-do lists.
I've added a status to the Ideas workflow called 'Research required' I'd like for our research team to be able to filter the ideas by status and pull up all 'Research required' status' so they know which ones they'll be looking into. This function...
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
In automation rules, evaluate the fields on the triggering object (feature, idea etc.) to set conditional actions
When creating automation rules, we need to know what field value is on the idea that is being created before doing an assign-to action. Right now I can only define an assignment to on ANY idea, which I can already do with default assignees. Give t...
Christopher L
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Files attached to features should be copied also when copying entire release
currently, when a release is copied to another board, comments and attachments in features are lost. It would be great if these could be copied over also.
Linking files will be the alternative for now, but I prefer to drag and drop some images ...
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
For feature names and descriptions, we have standard naming conventions. It would be useful to filter using 'contains' for the name and other txt fields. This way you can filter things together and apply a tag or perform a bulk edit.
John Seifert
about 8 years ago
in Search
Already exists
There should be a field for entering a requirement estimate, just as you can for an overall feature. The sum of all requirement estimates should roll up to the feature.
Kristian Kauper
almost 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists