Filter for "Idea Votes Opportunity Value" and "Vote opportunity value"
I am trying to pull a scheduled report together that shows ideas which have a single deal or multiple deals that are closing this quarter greater than a certain opportunity value. It seems crazy that something like this is missing in the product.
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Users can easily find the ideas submission widget, but then have no way to get to the voter portal and vote on the other suggestions unless we send the link directly or post it on our website. The ideas widget could have a button to the portal to ...
Morgan Tupper
over 1 year ago
in Voting
Future consideration
The widget subtitle, which is where a longer description can be placed, doesn't allow HTML formatting so it's very limited with styling. Changing that single text field box to a design text field box would be much better.
Morgan Tupper
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
It's very confusing and easy to get lost in your tabs when a new one is opened with every click. If I want to open a new tab, I can right click and do that from my browser! At least make this an on/off function.
Morgan Tupper
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
The Approval does not allow more than one person to approve – we wanted the reverse to have that one person can approve to move forward but we still want all people to have the option to approve for purposes of tracking. Once one of the two people...
Karla Johnson
almost 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Have ability to set automation rules even for linked features
currently automation rules works only for promoted features. It does not take into consideration the linked records. Need a separate provision for 'linked' records.
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Flash is a significant security concern for our organization. We can't disable it on the user side due to grandfathered apps, but we cannot introduce new applications that leverage Flash
almost 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Add account level on/off setting to optionally disallow spaces in tags
As has been noted in, if you have an Aha / Jira integration setup to connect Aha tags to Jira labels, the push from Aha to Jira fails if there are spaces present in the tag value. The admin response in tha...
Gene Lewin
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Add a separate section on features for links to other services (could be research, notes, etc)
Any time I use Aha, there are plenty of fields to use to enter information. But, there's not really any easy way of adding links to external information, unless I add them in the description field. The description should be reserved for informatio...
Alexander Härenstam
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration