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Ability to move goals to different products

At the moment you can move initiatives and features to different products, but not goals. You can even clone a release from one product to another. However you can't move a goal from one product to another. This is a pain when restructuring a larg...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 7 Shipped

Bulk edit action for proxy votes

I am trying to view a list with all proxy votes under an org where I can delete one proxy vote instead of the whole idea. Right now, I am going into each idea to search for the proxy vote that needs to be deleted via the vote id. It’s tedious when...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

To be able to create a list of release MILESTONES

I want to create a report of my release milestones, and their dates, in a list report. You've got this awesome new way to iteratively specify the content of your reports, but I only have options to use a release, or a release phase. Not a release ...
Ida van Jaarsveld over 6 years ago in Releases 12 Shipped

BPMN workflow template

What is the challenge? create workflows in BPMN format What is the impact? more efficiency, satisfaction Describe your idea BPMN workflow creation (see Lucidchart, Camunda, etc. for examples)
Guest 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Capacity report: Support people estimates

It is currently possible to visualize capacity planning for teams estimates on the capacity report. However, only time-based estimates are possible. We estimate initiatives by people. It would be great if there were a way to see when teams are ove...
Nathaniel Collum over 4 years ago in Capacity planning 3 Shipped

Standardize the formatting of AI-generated release notes

What is the challenge? When we generate release notes, we rarely get the beautiful results showcased in the Aha! blog post: What is the impact? The formatting is inconsistent. This causes me to have to go back and manually edit/update each release...
Nathaniel Collum 6 months ago in Releases 1 Shipped

Add page numbers within a Notebook

I would like page numbers in the notebook.
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Shipped

Support bulk-edit of Feature Due Date

We frequently need to change the dates (start date OR due date) on a group of features but there is no way to do this in bulk. It seems odd to be able to bulk-edit some fields but not others. I would prefer the ability to bulk-edit all feature fie...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 7 Shipped

Display Release Progress based on Feature Statuses (other than Complete)

MS Project does a great job of calculating the % completion of a project (aka release in Aha world) based on the % complete of each task and it's subtasks (aka features in Aha world) within the project. The closest Aha comes to this in its various...
Guest about 7 years ago in Releases 3 Shipped

Report and Notebook 'Dashboard' Needed

As we are building more and more reports across teams and product/product lines, the 'Shared Report' section is getting quite messy and it is becoming increasingly difficult to know which report is which with nothing to go on but the name. This is...
Joe Carpenter about 9 years ago in Reports 2 Shipped