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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 29, 2017

Display Release Progress based on Feature Statuses (other than Complete)

MS Project does a great job of calculating the % completion of a project (aka release in Aha world) based on the % complete of each task and it's subtasks (aka features in Aha world) within the project.  The closest Aha comes to this in its various Release Portfolio views is it show the overall status of a Release (which is manually set) or a darker portion of a bar that indicates how many features are complete.  As a PM or Portfolio Manager, I want to have a view of all the releases we are managing and quickly be able to see if we are on track. This would be easy to do in a Gantt chart that shows the typical horizontal bar, the vertical line showing "today" and a progress bar to indicate completeness, which is calculated by the % complete of each underlying feature.  For example, if a feature is in "Not Started" status, it is 0% complete, if it is in "Design" status it is 20%, Development status 50%, Testing 75%, Complete 100%.  Allowing users to set a % to each feature status and then using that to calculate an overall status for a Release (and even Phases within the Release) would make Portfolio Management more accurate and simpler.

    Aug 7, 2019

    Great news! It is now possible to track progress on goals, initiatives, releases, release phases, master features, and features. The percent completed can be entered manually or automatically calculated based on related records and can be visualized using progress bars on roadmaps.

    Check out the blog post for more details.

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    • Guest
      May 13, 2019

      Is there any movement on this?

    • Stephen Morse
      Mar 30, 2018

      This would be awesome even more so if you could roll up to the master release as well.  

    • Guest
      Feb 6, 2018

      Great to see the status of this is Planning to implement.  Any ETA you can share?  The lack of this capability is actually resulting in pressure to move to another platform which I'd prefer not to do!

    4 MERGED

    Be smarter when coloring fields using percentages

    I'm using a Custom Roadmap report where the bars are colored by percentage completed. Basically I want the not yet started ones to be red, the less than 50% to be yellow, the over 50% to be blue, and the completed to be green. Or something like th...
    Dan Eisenhut almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped