Option to filter out archived timeframes and releases on Overview page for new experience
In the new workspace overview tab, there are filters to show all, in progress, not started. It would be useful to also be able to filter out archived timeframes so not all goals and initiatives are showing so the context for "all" is set to the cu...
Ronnie Merkel
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
When we engage our customers to collaborate with us on the ideas portal, I think the chances of them returning to collaborate with us would be greatly increased if they were greeted with a more engaging dashboard the first time they logged in. Aft...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Use pagination to remove 50-user limit in Workflow view
When grouping by assignee, the view is limited to 50 users. Not 50 users at a time, but 50 users total. The truncation seems to be arbitrary as well, rather than picking, say, the first 50 users. I was informed that this is for performance reasons...
over 4 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Add button to create Feature inside the Feature view
It feels very weird to me not to have an easy to reach and visible button to "Add a new feature" on the Features Visualization view. The main action present is "+ New Release". This is very confusing
Arthur Soares
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Roadmap timeline view with separate rows for each product
We really like the Roadmap timeline view to show select Releases and select Features, along with themes. Can we have the ability to show releases for each product on a separate line (coloring releases of each product is not enough). Currently, rel...
over 10 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Ability to filter the Ideas Overview -> Activity section by idea status!
Specifically right now, I'd love this feature so I can easily remove "Already Released" from the Popular Ideas list. I know I can easily see the full list and add a filter here so this is more of a lazy request to add a filter like we have on epic...
We have hundreds of goals within Aha. It's difficult for our users to determine which goals they should actually pick from the respective drop down. There is no way to determine if our users should pick from the a product line goals versus a produ...
Marina Reyna
almost 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
add some automation around tab order in the new experience
In the new experience UI, can we add some automation around the order of the tabs? i.e. if there are no requirements or todos, display those last (accessed via the ... icon), in favour of showing those tabs that do have information to display. Cur...
Jill Collins
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration