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Allow sorting of Initiative Time Frame in Reports

Currently, if you include Initiative Time Frame in a Report, you cannot sort by that field. Even being able to do an alpha sort would be helpful. We were forced to create a custom free text field which duplicates Time Frame just to be able to sort...
Greg Aldin over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

As a user, I would like to carry over the Aha score when I Promote and idea to a feature

I am using the Idea section to determine initial prioritization of Ideas and also to decide which Ideas will be slated for the product. I want to use the same score card in both places and as such I don't want to have to rescore every Idea that is...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists

Put current product at top when choosing initiative or goal for a feature

The initiatives drop-down contains initiatives from all products, sorted alphabetically. I think the initiatives from current product should appear in the menu first.
Chris Waters over 10 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Show inherited Competitors in Matrix view

We have been trying to position competitors on the “Competitor Matrix View” at product level. However we were expecting to see the competitors we have loaded in at the root product level line to add to the matrix. When the “competitor matrix view”...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Release Date 'dependency' on preceding milestones

As PM I should have direct visibility to changing a Release Date, so I understand why I can't make the Release Date dependent on Milestone dates. However, I would like to be alerted anytime a Milestone that my release is dependent on, is scheduled...
Cathy Sherwin almost 9 years ago in Dependencies / Releases / Roadmaps 2 Already exists

Allow complete branding of Ideas submission confirmation (replacing Aha! cartoon graphic)

Most of the Ideas area can be branded - it would help to be able to brand the "Thanks for submitting your idea" confirmation in submit-only portals to be a graphic other than the Aha! cartoon of a man holding a sign. You can add your own logo, but...
Donna Sawyer about 9 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Receive notifications on ideas voted on

It would be great to enable notifications in the ideas portal ... for example I would like to be notified when an idea I voted on has new comments added to it ... otherwise I do not know if there is any conversations happening
Michel Besner about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

When an idea has been promoted to an Initiative, allow the initiative status to drive the idea status.

Similar to how when an idea is promoted to a feature, the feature status can drive the idea status in the portal. Allow a similar status mapping to exist between initiatives and ideas.
Justin Woods over 8 years ago in Ideas 4 Already exists

Count Logged Hours for JIRA Story and Task Children

Currently the "logged hours" component in Aha reports displays the hours logged against the parent feature or requirement mapped to JIRA. ie; If Aha requirements are mapped to JIRA stories, then Aha pulls in the hours logged against all mapped JI...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to archive products or product lines

Would it be possible to have the ability to archive products or product lines once we are complete with a project say after 6 months rather than delete it? Main reason is as we progress the number of products/product lines is getting to be excessi...
Guest about 9 years ago in Account settings 4 Already exists