Automation - set field to the Same as the Idea Created by user
When adding an automation action to create a to do or approval for a feature, I can choose to set the to do or approval user to be the same as the created by user, however, I cannot do this on an Idea.
Stephen McAdams
over 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Would like to add a custom field in ideas that would be available to the end user to choose a value or priority of their idea request. Would then like the ability for that field to be about to flow into a scorecard so that some weight of the idea ...
Custom Reports Cells: Add linefeeds between fields when adding multiple fields to a cell with 'cell wrap' turned on.
When creating pivot table reports, we enable ‘Allow table cells to wrap‘ and add multiple fields (epic name and objective name) to the cell. The issue: when adding multiple fields, they append on the same line making the cell difficult to read as ...
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
In Aha! we can see the current snapshot of our strategy. Although the vision shouldn't really change over time, the Business Model does change. The competitor information also changes. When the business model changes, then your goals and initiativ...
Emil Stoychev
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
In the public ideas portal UI I would like to see the latest comment on top, or at least a filter option, so that I don't have to scroll a lot to get up to date. It would also make the latest admin comment stand out.
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Adding Customer/Prospect as an option similar to Competitor
Just like we analyze competitor data, we also get immense information from sales/pre-sales on the types of pursuits they are undertaking. If we have a line of sight within product management that allows us to capture the type of customer/prospect,...
Arun Kalyanaraman
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
The ability to select all for filters based on a key word. In the screenshot, I used the release filter but only wanted to pull one release from each workspace which was Fy22Q1. I entered that to short list the results but then had to click each one.
Fatimah Gorin
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Being able to share a view like the one attached would be great for our externally facing teams that represent the customer when submitting new ideas. This would provide them with useful information to be able to help manage customer expectations.
Dan Jeffery
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I that if you drag something below a priority limit line in a prioritization list report, it pushes something else up above the line. This is unexpected behavior. If I drag a feature/record below the line, then everything else should remain below ...
Todd Meyer
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Idea Portal sub-title Links on a form should open in a new tab
Issue: Clicking a link in the Idea Portal subtitle will navigate the user away from entering an idea in the current URL Request: Have the ability Idea Portal sub-title click link that opens in a new browser tab
Mike Jacobson
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration